
Has Your Brand Been Googled?


How often do you Google yourself or Google your organization? I hope you do so often. If your brand does not appear high in the number one search engine rankings then your brand does not exist. In the past several years I have become much more search conscious and hopefully becoming more search savvy. I understand the value of placing high on the first page of Google.

I bet that if you go to Google right now and type in words Brand Champions or Brand Champion this blog appears number one. That is the place I want to be. High on the first page. Especially when people are doing research about a topic related to what I do. I consider myself a brand champion and the work that my organization does for our clients to help them recruit and retain brand champions. We are brand champions helping brand champions recruit and retain brand champions.

If you want to learn more about how this incredible brand called Google came to be and how it can benefit your brand, I encourage you to take a look at Ken Auletta's book, Googled. He does a great job of telling their brand story for them.

Rex Whisman

Brand Champions Blog

BrandED Consultants Group

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